Bosnaplast manufactures, delivers and installs pipeline systems in the field of water and gas pipelines, industrial pipelines and sewers, as well as the protection of power and TT cables. The company employs highly qualified and experienced staff who are able to meet the needs of the very demanding market of the area in which it operates.
Garancija kvaliteta
Certifikati ISO 9001:2015 i ISO 14001:2015, po kojem Bosnaplast d.o.o. posluje, dokazuje usklađenost naše poslovne organizacije sa strogim svjetskim standardima kvalitetne poslovne organizacije.
Certificates for all products
All our products have been tested by renowned institutes and laboratories in this field
Preko 20 godina iskustva
Bosnaplast je vodeća kompanija na polju prerade polietilena i PVC-a u BiH. Zbog širokog spektra djelovanja i stručnosti kadrova, svoje povjerenje dale su joj istaknute firme i institucije naše zemlje.
Bosnaplast vrši proizvodnju, isporuku i montažu cjevovodnih sistema u oblasti vodovoda i gasovoda, industrijskih cjevovoda i kanalizacije, kao i zaštitu energetkih i TT kablova. Kompanija zapošljava visokokvalifikovano i iskusno osoblje koje je u stanju odgovoriti potrebama veoma zahtjevnog tržišta oblasti u kojoj djeluje.
HDPE water pipes
Bosnaplast HDPE water pipes are safe, firm, not-toxic, little weight, resistant to corrosion, usable in different pipeline systems
HDPE gas pipes
Bosnaplast gas pipes are made of polyethylene of the second generation PE 80 and polyethylene of the third generation PE 100, working pressure up to 10 bar.
HDPE pipes for canalization
Bosnaplast corrugated sewer pipe is made of polyethylene (PE), with a ribbed outer and smooth inner surface of the pipe.
HDPE pipes for cable protection
Bosnaplast pipes for protection of telecommunication – TT and energy cables are produced for the needs of protection of sensitive optical cables from mechanical damages, chemical and other influences.
PVC pipes
Bosnaplast PVC pipes are produced in accordance with the standard EN 1452-2: 2001, and are intended for the construction of pipeline systems for water supply, drainage, internal and external sewerage and cable protection.
PP-R pipes for indoor installation
Bosnaplast installation system is designed for home use in the sanitary area, for hot and cold water supply and for air conditioning installations.
Connective elements
In its assortment of products “Bosnaplast” has all types of connective elements, standard and those which are produced according to the special request of the customer.
PVC poles for raspberries
PVC stubovi za maline domaći su proizvod Bosnaplasta čiji proces proizvodnje, od ulazne sirovine do konačnog proizvoda se odvija u vlastitim pogonima s potpunim nadzorom tima stručnih lica Bosnaplasta.
PVC and metal greenhouses
Bosnaplast d.o.o. je jedna od vodećih firmi u području proizvodnje plastenika i opreme za plastenike. Sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom stekli smo potrebna znanja da možemo da odgovorimo na sve Vaše potrebe.
HDPE micro pipes
Bosnaplast mikrocijevi najčešće se koriste za provlačenje i zaštitu optičkih kablova upuhivanjem zrakom pod pritiskom ili provlačenjem.
PVC i PEHD Hilzne
In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.